Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Exploring the different WebQuests in class was very interesting. Although many of the WebQuest were written in a grade level far above a third grade level, there were also some that would be able to be utilized in lower grade classrooms. I think that they are great tools that would be good for centers and supplemental teaching activities throughout the week. The children would be able to get useful information and knowledge while also exploring the use of technology. I also think that they would be engaging for the children and a different change of pace to the regular classroom routines. I was surprised by how many different content areas the WebQuests covered and think that I definitely want to investigate integrating them into my future classroom.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PB Works

Learning to use PB Works to create wikis was actually a lot more simple than I had originally imagined. I think that the wikis are a great technology resource that could easily be incorporated into the classroom curriculum. Just as we created a teacher resource, the children could work on projects together throughout the day using wikis on the classroom computer. I think its an innovative way to engage children in the learning process. I also think its a great way for educators to communicate and keep up with new resources that they may not have discovered if it wasn't for this form of communication. I am interested to see the development of our wiki throughout the month.